- Creative Placemaking
- Date: 2023.10.28 (Sat)
- Time: 09:30am - 05:30pm
- Venue: Function Room 1-3 / Dockyard Theatre / Community Kitchen / Workshop Space / Event Lawn
- Presenter: St. James' Settlement Jockey Club Artspiration Academy
- Tutor / Speaker / Performer(s): Artistic Consultant: Elsie
Theatre Tutor: Lee Wai Lok, Fiona Yim
Vocal Tutor: Lianna
Performer: 尹麗儀、王柏軒、何榮新、余國漢、吳嘉裕、李珈翹、梁詩朗、梁可欣、陳成天、陳詠行、馮力行、黃慧珊、楊漪、雷晉城、趙雲迪、羅翹鋒、羅耀煇、譚光祐、Naina Takakura - Fee: Free of Charge
- Registration: https://www.art-mate.net/doc/70137?name=%E3%80%8A%E5%86%8D%E8%A6%8B%EF%BC%8C%E4%BB%99%E6%A8%82%E9%83%BD%EF%BC%81%E3%80%8B
- Enquiry: 2596 2703 ( Mr. Kwong )
- Website / Details: https://www.art-mate.net/doc/70137
"Xanadu!" revolves around the daily lives of the audience members, aiming to evoke contemplation and discussion about their everyday experiences. The exhibition showcases profound brushwork and solemn imagery, presenting the accumulated content of Jockey Club Collaborative Project for Inclusive Employment - "eXperiencing Delightful" Slashie Career Project over the past three years. The theatrical and vocal demonstrations recreate scenes from daily life and interweave common threads found in fragments of memories, sharing moments of loss and rediscovery. The workshop section, themed around flowers and plants, features carefully curated sessions where artists invite participants to construct shared experiences. After participating in this event, what kind of space will you anticipate the next encounter and gathering?
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