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“Old Hong Kong, Old Movie 2023-24” Public Screening @Quarryside

  • Creative Placemaking

Movies, more than just a form of entertainment, capture the lives of people in different eras. 'Old Movies, Old Hong Kong—Care for Our Community', a film education programme presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and organised by the Film Culture Centre (Hong Kong) Limited, aims at raising the interest of children and youngsters in old movies and meanwhile deepen their understanding of Hong Kong’s culture and history through letting the young and elderly generations share their life experience after watching the same old Hong Kong film together. The activities include film screenings, post-screening talks, communication workshops, visits to the elderly centre and community screenings.

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Quarryside 舍區 Quarryside 舍區 Quarryside 舍區 Quarryside 舍區 Quarryside 舍區 Quarryside 舍區 Quarryside 舍區 Quarryside 舍區 Quarryside 舍區 Quarryside 舍區